Programmable thermostat

Install and use a programmable thermostat. Programmable themostat can be set to adjust the temperature of your house based on the heat requirements of different times of the day. Early in the morning when it is usually a bit cold, the temperature can be set to go up and at night that everyone is sleeping and probably under the duvet, the themostat could be set to reduce the temperatute accordingly. During the day when everyone is at work or school, the themostat can be set to keep the temperature low. The themostat can be set to increase the temperature towards the time that every member of the household is returning back to the house in the evening to keep the house warmer for the occupants.

In summer times and during vacations the themostat can be set to keep the temperature at an optimum temperature that is good eneough to prevent the freezing on pipelines in the cold regions of the work.

For every 1oC you lower your thermostat you can save up to 2% on your heating bill. A reduction of 3oC at night and when you are away during the day provides optimal savings. Consumer Reports mazazine reported that you can save as much as $180 per year when you use programmable thermostat effectively. Furthermore, unecessary damages such as pipe freezing in winter and when you are on vacation which can cost you tons of dollars in repairs is avoided.

Besides saving cost, your use of programmable thermostats conserves on energy and helps reduce your greenhouse gas significantly.

You can equally use programmable thermostats in your businesses premises to save on energy and reduce greenhouse gas emission.

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